速報APP / 教育 / NEU LEAD




檔案大小:43.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


NEU LEAD(圖1)-速報App

Damen Lopez is the founder of the No Excuses University Network of Schools and author of the book, No Excuses Leadership. With nearly 25 years of educational leadership experience, his vision of expanding the leadership capacity on a school campus to go far beyond the principal’s office is starting to take shape for schools at every level across the country. Focusing on the Nine BOLD Leadership Choices exceptional leaders make, Damen engages with tens of thousands of educators to help guide them to success. His Leadership Academy events dig deep into the Nine Bold Choices of Servant Leadership, Presence, Candor, Cracking the Code of the Naysayer, Simplicity, Laughter, Feed and Be Fed, Going All In, and Sustaining Momentum.

NEU LEAD(圖2)-速報App

While components of this app (Servant Leadership, Tip of the Week and Archives) are available for anyone, it has been designed primarily for No Excuses Leadership Academy graduates. Academy grads will receive logins that grant access to masterclass content helping them to refine their work around the Nine Bold Choices among a community of leaders who are like-minded.

NEU LEAD(圖3)-速報App

Not a No Excuses Leadership Academy graduate? Visit www.noexcusesu.com or email damen@noexcusesu.com to find out more about upcoming events in your area.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad